The teaching material collection “We are here. What our colonial past has to do with flight and migration” was published in May 2017 and the publisher AfricAvenir International e.V. writes in the foreword:

“The topics of flight and migration, upper limits, welcome culture and accommodation have dominated the media, politics and society since the ‘summer of immigration’. There is no question that German politics is changing rapidly and that the way the situation is handled in the future will continue to change society in the long term. Increasingly openly expressed sentiments and more frequent acts of violence throughout Germany against those perceived as foreign bear depressing witness to the urgent need for publicity and education critical of racism in Germany. Stigmatizations of refugees cover up and prevent the necessary debate about the background and causes of migration and flight.”

The collection of materials can be ordered free of charge by mail from AfricAvenir International e.V.( for a postage fee; all documents can also be downloaded free of charge.


AfricAvenir International e.V. (ed.) 2017: We are here. What our colonial legacy has to do with flight and migration. AfricAvenir International: Berlin,

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