Browsing: Postcolonialism

The iz3w of the Informationszentrum 3. Welt in Freiburg is a magazine that has been taking a critical stance on…

In her lecture “Solidarity under Postcolonial Conditions. Dealing with ambiguous realities in a globalized world”, Astrid Messerschmidt uses a historical…

feminIEsta is a project from the environment of the Institute for International Development at the University of Vienna. The blog informs about activities of the working group, refers to current events and materials around the topic of queer-feminist critique of development cooperation. Enrique Dussel, argentinischer Philosoph und Historiker spricht über Dekolonisierung. Spanisch mit englischen Untertiteln.

The website of the association münchen postkolonial offers extensive information about the colonial present in Munich. In addition to a…

Berlin Postkolonial e.V. is a Berlin-based association committed to the critical reappraisal of colonial history. The website offers extensive background…

“In the brochure ‘Growing Together – Creciendo juntos’, four experts from Namibia, El Salvador and Germany report on their experiences…