The anthology Myths, Masks, and Subjects provides a good and broad introduction to the theory and fields of application of…
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On her blog Native appropriations – representations matter, Dr. Adrienne Keene discusses current representations, stereotypes, and cultural appropriation of Native…
“This book is a clear, systematic, original and lively account of how media representations shape the way we see our…
As part of the IMAFREDU project, a collective of experts from practice and research has been working on transforming the…
When we travel or even go to the Global South for a longer period of time, we experience an immense…
The checklist supports the racism-critical analysis of fundraising and materials of development policy public relations work. It provides analysis questions… “This Is A Stereotype is an artistic narrative about the possible causes and effects surrounding indigenous identity with the… Dieser Dokumentarfilm thematisiert die Darstellung von Native Americans in Hollywood-Filmen. “Hollywood has made over 4000 films about Native people;… In diesem Dokumentarfilm geht es um die Darstellung von Araber*innen und Muslim*innen in Hollywood-Filmen. Der Film ist bei der… Dieser Film führt u.a. mittels ausführlicher Interviewpassagen mit Edward Said in dessen Werk “Orientalismus” ein. Der Film ist als…
Cut together from over 500 films, this production can be ordered from Martin Baer or borrowed from EZEF. Free Africa!… MEF hat sehr viele gute Filme zu den Themen Rassismus, Sexismus, Klassismus, Kapitalismus, Globalisierung und Kultur produziert. Zusätzlich zu…