Der Filmclip von leftvision geht mit Hilfe von Interviews mit Aktivist*innen der Frage nach einer kritischen Perspektive auf die…
Browsing: Flight & Asylum
The 2/2015 issue “Struggles of Migration as Invisible/Invisible Politics” of movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Research is dedicated to current struggles of refugee protests in Europe.
In his radio report at radio dreyecksland “‘Refugees are not babies’: It needs solidarity and spaces instead of old clothes”…
As part of its funding line “Development Policy Means Consistent Antiracism,” the North-South Bridges Foundation has compiled “Seven Tips for…
Activists from Berlin’s O-Platz and the Gerhard-Hauptmann School talk about self-organization, the refugee movement in Berlin and German asylum policy.
In October 2015 in Berlin Neukölln. More pictures and info at linksunten. Das Musik- und Videoprojekt “Krisenzeichen” vom kollektiv orangotango thematisiert die aktuelle Berliner Stadtentwicklung im Kontext von neoliberalem Stadtumbau, Immobilienspekulation,…
Campaign against the new asylum law 2015: Those who do not drown will be locked up.
On this blog you can find current articles, actions and campaigns from the Refugees Movement around Oranielplatz in Berlin. The…
Women in Exile was founded in 2002 as a political group of refugee and migrant women in Brandenburg, Germany, to…
This film of the Refugee Initiative Brandenburg about living conditions and resistance of African asylum seekers in East Germany is…
“‘Africa is not poor, it is impoverished,’ says Mali’s former culture minister, Aminata Traoré. The rich countries of the North…