(Queer-)feminist, critical of domination, practice-oriented: These are the three premises under which the collection of methods published by the DGB Jugend in 2012 situates itself.
Browsing: Feminism
The online dossier of the same name recalls the emancipatory, feminist, leftist movements and struggles of 1968 by confronting the dominant, popular historical narratives with , Afro-German, African, and queer perspectives and biographies.
Dissens – Institut für Bildung und Forschung (Institute for Education and Research) is an educational, consulting and research institute, a recognized youth welfare organization in Berlin and active in consulting for organizations and individuals.
This website aims to make the life and especially the work of the Indian scientist and activist Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak better known.
Over 80 different groups and individuals from Austria, Switzerland and Germany belong to the association – work is done on various fields of social reproduction such as domestic work, assistance, health, sexuality, care, housing or education.
Afrofuturist, filmmaker, and activist Amadine Gay’s documentary assembles the experiences of Francophone European Black women in the diaspora into a multi-layered collage about Blackness, art, racial discrimination, and the reappropriation of one’s own narrative.
The international online database for female, transgender and non-binary DJs, musicians, composers, producers, visual artists, journalists, researchers and facilitators in the field of electronic music and digital arts exists since 1998 and was founded by the Viennese Electric Indigo.
In 2015, the first issue of the literary magazine PS – Politisch Schreiben was published under the theme “Competition & Canon”. On the newspaper’s website, in addition to articles from the various issues, there is also an extensive list of links to friendly (art) projects and people.
The documentary “Phoolan” by Hossein Fazeli tells the life of Phoolan Devi (1963-2001) from the northern Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.
Author, scholar and activist Sara Ahmed resigned from her professorship at Goldsmiths College (University of London) in late 2016, in protest of the institution’s handling of sexual harassment. In her 2017 book, she explores questions of institutional power, personal agency, and feminist practice.
Argentine artist Chocolate Remix makes reggaeton – but without the sexism that is otherwise often inherent in the tracks of this genre.
The Heinrich Böll Foundation, in cooperation with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, has published the brochure “Gender raus!” – 12 Corrections to Anti-Feminism and Gender Criticism.