Browsing: Everyday Racism

The cultural and social magazine freitext, founded in 2003, is published twice a year and is dedicated to literature and…

The “online magazine by migratinnen for all” is published by “the autonomous migrant women’s self-organization maiz in Linz. In 2006…

Black Girl Dangerous is an (online) project with a focus on social justice, which is a forum for queer and…

This anti-capitalist blog makes an attempt to combine materialist analyses with critiques of various structures of oppression such as racism,… Alpa Gun rappt über die rassistische Absurdität, dass einige in Deutschland immer die so genannten “Ausländer” bleiben.

“der braune mob e.V.” was Germany’s first black media-watch organization, founded by professional media workers, artists, activists and lawyers who…

“The book ‘Deutschland Schwarz Weiss’ (Germany Black and White) invites you to a self-knowledge and sensitization program that will demand… Hier wird eine Aktion in der Berliner U-Bahn zum Gedenken an die Opfer des NSU dokumentiert. Rassismus ist Alltag…