Americanah is a novel by author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Her narrative is about a young Nigerian protagonist and a protagonist…
Browsing: Everyday Racism
In Plantation Memories, Grada Kilomba episodically describes and contextualizes experiences of everyday racism of Black people in white-dominated, post/colonial societies.…
After a Black trans* person was discriminated against by bathers present at the Stadtbad Neukölln (Berlin), the Initiative Schwarze Menschen… Danez Smith richtet einen eindringlichen Weckruf an ein ‘weißes Amerika’ und erhebt Anklage gegen die von Rassismus geprägten Zustände,…
[youtube id=”lpPASWlnZIA&list=PLSfmMVczsBAieaBClLuYj6nnmmX3pGSyw”] The poetry performance “Lost Voices” addresses experiences of sexism and racism as well as (political) solidarity in the…
In her poem “For the White Person Who Wants to Know How to Be My Friend,” African American feminist Pat… Decoded ist eine Serie von kurzen Erklärfilmen zu Rassismus mit Franchesca Ramsey auf MTV. Von gängigen Abwehrmechanismen über rassistische…
A multi-award winning anthology of contributions to current processes of negotiation of Native American identity and culture in the United…
This article by Chandra-Milena Danielzik and Daniel Bendix highlights that “racism and exoticism cannot be separated [sind]: [Denn] exoticism is an inherent part, a variety of racism.” In its exposition of how exoticization works, the article highlights the intertwining of racism and sexism. “Stolen Ground puts a human face on the lingering effects of racism while giving us a rare glimpse, through…
This blog by Urmila Goel comments on racist and heteronormative discourses of the German majority society.