Browsing: Everyday Racism

In the days of this year’s street carnival, a public campaign by the “Forum against Racism and Discrimination” draws attention to racist and transmisogynous carnival costumes in the subways on info screens.

With the brochure “We take racism personally” Amnesty International has published important and informative material on the topic of everyday racism in cooperation with self-organizations of people with experience of racism as well as experts on anti-discrimination.

Activists, academics and cultural workers of color as well as human rights organizations have joined forces to form the Alliance Against Racial Profiling. Together, they are fighting institutional racism in the Swiss police corps.

Exit Racism by Tupoka Ogette is a volume that aims to accompany its readers in their first confrontation with racism. The book focuses on developing a critical perspective on racism and concrete options for action that can be used fruitfully in everyday life.

Am I guilty? is an interview project that addresses the deep-rooted racism in all sectors of society in Germany and… Fusion Comedy hat ein pointiertes und kluges Video veröffentlicht, in dem das Phänomen “Microagressions“ am Beispiel von Mückenstichen veranschaulicht… In der satirischen Youtube-Reihe “The adventures of an asian girl with a white fetish” von Joy Regullano legt die…

“Dear White People” is a satirical handbook by Justin Simien, published to accompany the film of the same name. The… Der Videoclip “White Fragility – A workplace training video“ mit Francesca Fiorentini, veröffentlicht vom Nachrichtensender “AJ+”, ist eine satirische…