Browsing: Empowerment

“The Rromnja initiative is an association of Roma and Sinti women in Berlin who no longer want to accept that… Kat Blaque ist eine Aktivist_in und Video-Blogger_in aus Kalifornien, die aus einer Schwarzen, feministischen Trans*-Perspektive über unterschiedliche Aspekte ihres…

Noah Sow is. Artist, musician, writer, producer, lecturer, media practitioner, theorist, activist, motivational speaker. Her areas of focus are: Art,…

Schwarzrund is a multimedia blog that explores experiences of multiple discrimination. The site’s author blogs about both loving and tough…

The Refugee Radio Network (RRN) is an online radio program by refugees. Under the motto “Empowering people and connecting cultures”.…

“Amaro Foro e.V. is a youth association of Roma and non-Roma with the goal of creating space for young people…

With the ironic title Africa is a Country, the creators of the blog take aim at the one-sided and distorted…

In Plantation Memories, Grada Kilomba episodically describes and contextualizes experiences of everyday racism of Black people in white-dominated, post/colonial societies.…

In this book, young people in a unique project introduce Black European personalities who have had a decisive influence on…

In this book, Fatima El-Tayeb focuses on an archive of everyday culture that has received little attention to date and…

The anthology brings together exclusively critical voices and perspectives of people of color on racism and cultural politics. It thus…