The volume “Decolonize the City!” focuses on the everyday life of migrants and people of color and their struggles in the postcolonial city.
Browsing: Decolonization
The track of the Berlin rapper Matondo is about (colonial) racism in his hometown Berlin, which reaches up to the present, and about resistance.
Native-Land is a resource to help North Americans learn more about (their) local history. The project arose from the concern to make state borders and colonial borders, as they formally apply today, visible as such and to question them as “universally valid”.
The brochure Bon Voyage! of the Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag (BER) would like to show racism-critical ways in development education and project work.
Franziska Müller and Daniel Bendix deconstruct the image of the supposedly politically progressive pachyderm with regard to the statements conveyed…
Decolonize Mitte is a racism-critical alliance that wants to advance a decolonization of Berlin’s past and present through diverse actions…
“Awakening the Horse People” provides writings and resources for people of European descent interested in decolonization. These are about “healing…
The article Support Indigenous Rights: Abolish Columbus Day published by Bill Bigelow on the Common Dreams platform on the… Sakej Ward ist Mi’kmaw aus dem Bezirk Esgenoopetitj. Er ist Krieger, Aktivist und Pädagoge. Zu seinen Themen gehören indigene…
In September 2016, the cultural radio station RBB broadcast an extensive report on Germany’s colonial past, which reaches far into…
Who was Carl Peters? Why do ten streets in Berlin still pay tribute to German colonialism? With what intention was… Das Video-Blog Moni Tano hat ein ausführlichen und aufschlussreiches Interview mit Ngũgĩ wa Thiongʼo über Prozesse von Dekolonialisierung rassifizierter…