Browsing: Decolonization

Food and drink – more central than almost any other topic and yet often underrepresented in political discourse. The theme dossier deals with this fundamental approach in a variety of examples and formats.


It jingles and rings, here and there bright bell tones, a wide bass surface moves up and creeps under the smooth keyboard sounds, hisses and hisses monotonously. This album sounds like a video game, threatening, is slick and superficial, this album doesn’t falter for long, you listen to it and realize right away: something is wrong here.

Every day, we allow it to become invisible that our lifestyle is only possible because we “externalize” or offload the costs for it onto other people and societies. The exploitation of people and nature, or more precisely the overexploitation (mostly) of the Global North of the social and economic resources of the Global South, is the focus of this book.

Togo, Cameroon, Tanzania, Namibia: The five-part documentary series (the intro linked here forms the first part) visits the areas on the African continent formerly colonized by Germany by force.

The online dossier of the same name recalls the emancipatory, feminist, leftist movements and struggles of 1968 by confronting the dominant, popular historical narratives with , Afro-German, African, and queer perspectives and biographies.

“Struggles for Reparations for Colonialism and the Enslavement Trade.” Under this motto, the blog gathered contributions in the form of texts, videos, links or event notes from October 2015 to December 2016.

Frantz Fanon, born in Martinique in 1925, is considered one of the most analytically incisive anti-colonial thinkers and activists. This portrait of his companion Alice Cherki, a psychotherapist and psychiatrist from Algiers, paints a contoured picture of Frantz Fannon-dense and fact-filled writing, light on its feet and narrative like an essay.

There are countless blanks in the hegemonic historiography. Many stories that are important for shaping our present and imagining possible futures have not even been written yet.