In this song and video, the hip hop crew Dookoom addresses the exploitative working and living conditions of farm workers in South Africa.
Browsing: Colonialism Aníbal Quijano, ein Soziologe und Politikwissenschaftler aus Peru, spricht über die Kolonialität der Macht. Colonialidad del poder| Aníbal Quijano|…
This website shows parallels between colonialism, National Socialism and today’s racism using the example of Deutsche Bahn. The lack of…
This text by Chandra-Milena Danielzik deals with reproductions of racism and exclusions in the field of global learning or education…
“The central concern of this book is to raise awareness of the fact that racism and language are closely linked.…
Henning Melber 2001: Der Weissheit letzter Schluss: Rassismus und kolonialer Blick. Frankfurt: Brandes & Apsel “Everyday thinking in Europe is…
These “Suggestions for educational work critical of racism on global issues” are divided into three parts. Part A addresses the…
“The ‘woman without a funeral’ is Zoulikha, who once lived wall to wall with Assia Djebar’s family in Cherchell. Quietly… Dieser Klassiker des antikolonialen Filmes handelt vom algerischen Freiheitskampf gegen Frankreich. Die Schlacht um Algiers | Ennio Morricone |…
When we travel or even go to the Global South for a longer period of time, we experience an immense…
“The book’s title, ‘The People Without History,’ is therefore just as ironic as the translation of ‘people’ as ‘peoples’ in…
“The author shows that there is no wealth that is innocent and formulates the great paradox of his continent: ‘We…