Browsing: Capitalism


The album by Daniel Mburu Muhuni and Sven Kacirek is subtitled A Sonic Anthropology and tells the story of the impact of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) in 11 tracks consisting of interview excerpts with smallholder farmers, activists and local politicians as well as various sound tracks.

This animated video illustrates a 2010 presentation by education and creativity researcher Ken Robinson on structural and conceptual ills in teaching, learning, and knowledge production.

The documentary tells the story of the 2012 Marikana strike at the Lonmin mine, one of South Africa’s largest platinum mines.

The PENG! Collective writes on the website of their “Haunted Landlord” campaign to resist rent increases, gentrification and eviction: “With this action we want to make this area-wide, structural problem visible and audible through personal stories and confront those responsible directly with the voices of the displaced and the consequences of their actions.(…)”

The independent cooperative, based in London, has been working in the fields of critical reporting, research and education since 1996. The focus is on the question of what serious effects the capitalist management of large companies has on people and the environment.

The I.L.A. collective’s publication “At the expense of others?” is about how imperial lifestyles and exploitative structures in the 21st century prevent a good life for all. On the associated website, one chapter of the booklet is made freely available every month.

The handout “Weltbild Antisemitismus” (“World View of Anti-Semitism”) by the Anne Frank Educational Center shows concrete possibilities for dealing pedagogically with anti-Semitic statements and attitudes.

In the video “Not all white people where created equal” by the channel Fusion, it is explained concisely and vividly how whiteness has been constructed in North America in the course of economic processes.

“We felt there was a lack of methods for educational outreach on the topic of economic growth and post-growth, which…