Browsing: Capitalism

The online dossier of the same name recalls the emancipatory, feminist, leftist movements and struggles of 1968 by confronting the dominant, popular historical narratives with , Afro-German, African, and queer perspectives and biographies.

Japanese and US-American rhythm machines of the 50s and 60s, products of the so-called “China trade” or the colonial phantasm of a railroad line between Hamburg and Baghdad – these are only three examples of discourses, things and narratives that the “Museum of our Transcultural Present” gathers in an exhibition and tries to relate to each other.

There are countless blanks in the hegemonic historiography. Many stories that are important for shaping our present and imagining possible futures have not even been written yet.

Under the motto “More than just a union”, activists under the umbrella of the “Free Workers’ Union” and organized in grassroots trade unions and local syndicates are fighting against economic exploitation of all kinds.

Using Berlin as an example, the data journalism project of the Protestant School of Journalism researches the often more than incomplete official figures and statistics on homelessness and strives for a vivid, graphic presentation.

Over 80 different groups and individuals from Austria, Switzerland and Germany belong to the association – work is done on various fields of social reproduction such as domestic work, assistance, health, sexuality, care, housing or education.

Workshop series, critical city walks, publications or research workshops – the registered association, which in its subtitle describes itself, refreshingly laconic, as “Just another Critical Geography Group”, works in various formats and is a free association of activists, geographers, social scientists and others.

The Mexican Revolution, the founding of the Paris Commune or the beginnings of the trade union movements – this documentary uses original footage to tell the story of one of the most powerful political movements of the last 150 years.

The term “Madgermanes” is used in Mozambique to refer to the approximately 15-20,000 people who worked as “contract workers” in the GDR between 1979 and 1991 – and were subsequently deported from the GDR, having been cheated out of most of their wages by Mozambique.