It is very important for Indigenous people to tell their own stories, to present themselves and their cultures and thoughts.…
Browsing: Websites Wie lassen sich Zugehörigkeiten jenseits von traditionellen Grenzen neu denken und neu definieren? With WINGS and ROOTS ist ein…
The iz3w of the Informationszentrum 3. Welt in Freiburg is a magazine that has been taking a critical stance on…
The online daily newspaper Migazin: Migration in Germany focuses with its articles and commentaries on the topics of migration/integration, (anti-)discrimination…
The Native American Association of Germany (Naaog) is the only association of Native Americans in Germany. The association serves as…
Here you can find current information about the Qom resistance movement in Argentina. The Qom are an indigenous group living…
This website shows parallels between colonialism, National Socialism and today’s racism using the example of Deutsche Bahn. The lack of…
This cultural-political platform offers Asian Germans and Asians who have their center of life in Germany an opportunity to network.…
The website “Freedom Roads! Colonial street names – postcolonial culture of memory” provides an overview of colonial street names in…
The website offers research on Freiburg’s colonial history as well as extensive background information such as texts, audios and…