Browsing: Trade literature

The volume “Visionaries of Africa” by Moustapha M. Diallo tells the story of extraordinary personalities of the African continent in…

The volume “eingeschrieben” by Emily Ngubia Kuria deals with racist structures within the German university system. The focus is on…

The anthology Sisters and Souls, edited by Natasha Kelly, is dedicated to the Afro-German poet and author May Ayim, her…

The anthology “Kinder der Befreiung” (Children of Liberation) by Marion Kraft sheds light on a hitherto little-noticed chapter of the…

With her famous collection of essays, “Playing in the Dark,” author and first Black Nobel laureate Toni Morrison laid a…

With her book “Anleitung zum Schwarz sein” Anne Chebu offers a competent guide for young Black Germans who want to…

In their anthology “Black Berlin,” Oumar Diallo and Joachim Zeller focus on the people of African descent who have lived…

“Afrokids” by Olaolu Fajembola is the first “baby and children’s guide” aimed at caregivers of Black children in Germany. In…