Browsing: Trade literature

In this English-language video, central theories of the literary scholar Edward Said on colonial foreign representation of the so-called “Orient” by the “West” (“Orientalism”) are explained and compared with today’s forms of cultural representation and media reporting.

The I.L.A. collective’s publication “At the expense of others?” is about how imperial lifestyles and exploitative structures in the 21st century prevent a good life for all. On the associated website, one chapter of the booklet is made freely available every month.

The volume “Decolonize the City!” focuses on the everyday life of migrants and people of color and their struggles in the postcolonial city.

Some five years after the discovery of the NSU, the events surrounding the NSU complex have still not been comprehensively clarified. Scientific analysis is also still in its infancy. In the volume, innovative concepts and international perspectives on the study of the complex are presented and bundled.

In the volume by Florian Fischer and Nenad Čupić it is shown that the genocides for which Germany was responsible did not occur only in the middle of the 20th century, but are connected with 500 years of European expansion and exploitation.

In the third volume of the border regime series, the authors deal with ongoing migration to Europe as well as with policies of control and regulation in about 20 contributions. The focus is on the struggles of refugees and activists in the summer of 2015 in different places.

This anthology by Sara Lennox contains 13 texts that trace the lives and work of Black people and associations in Germany at different times and cultural-historical periods.

Exit Racism by Tupoka Ogette is a volume that aims to accompany its readers in their first confrontation with racism. The book focuses on developing a critical perspective on racism and concrete options for action that can be used fruitfully in everyday life.

“Racism without Racists: Colorblind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America” by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva is a provocative discussion…