Browsing: Practical aids

Migrante International is an organization that advocates for the rights of migrants and works against their discrimination and exploitation. The…

Those who wish to examine social inequalities multidimensionally will find in this volume both a comprehensible methodological practical guide and…

As part of its funding line “Development Policy Means Consistent Antiracism,” the North-South Bridges Foundation has compiled “Seven Tips for…

In this brochure, Keith Hamaimbo and Serge Palaise describe current challenges in cooperation between white development organizations and migrant-diasporic organizations and provide an outlook for further cooperation.

Many young people with a migration background face discrimination when entering the labor market because of their origin, skin color, language, religion or even because of their name.

Unreflective handling of one’s own colonial history reproduces racism. Colonial ideas are carried into society through the institution of school. Textbook analyses show that an image of Africa is created that perpetuates racist ideology.

As part of the IMAFREDU project, a collective of experts from practice and research has been working on transforming the…

Weltfriedensdienst 1999: Partnership and Dominance. WFD’s anti-racism project. Documentation of the six-year (1993-1999) anti-racism project of the Weltfriedensdienst under the…

The practical aid poses questions critical of racism to different fields of work of organizations. It is a helpful tool…

The brochure is a collection of texts and tools for racism-critical organizational development. In addition to background texts on racism,…