Browsing: Practical aids

The Understanding Slavery Initiative is a project in the United Kingdom that seeks to promote, in collaboration with archives and…

The volume “eingeschrieben” by Emily Ngubia Kuria deals with racist structures within the German university system. The focus is on…

With her book “Anleitung zum Schwarz sein” Anne Chebu offers a competent guide for young Black Germans who want to…

The girls’ blog is an open feminist community project and sees its content as a response to and alternative to…

Being Black is the blog for the book “Instructions for Being Black” by Anne Chebu. The blog features texts from… Im Video-Talk “Rassismus im Alltag” spricht Tupoka Ogette, Expertin für Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung, mit dem Vater eines Schwarzen Kindes.…

“Afrokids” by Olaolu Fajembola is the first “baby and children’s guide” aimed at caregivers of Black children in Germany. In…

With the compendium Caught in Society, psychologist Dileta Fernandes Sequeira presents one of the few works that deals with the…