Browsing: Methods

Many young people with a migration background face discrimination when entering the labor market because of their origin, skin color, language, religion or even because of their name.

“The brochure is about the following topics: Project i-Päd, identity, intersectionality, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, interphobia, racism, anti-Muslim racism, anti-Semitism, racism…

These “Suggestions for educational work critical of racism on global issues” are divided into three parts. Part A addresses the…

Black Girl Dangerous is an (online) project with a focus on social justice, which is a forum for queer and…

“This programme of study offers a theoretical framework and methodology to support educators to read the cultural logics (systems of…

Elina Marmer’s research project IMAge of AFRica in EDUcation explores the connection between racism in textbooks and racial discrimination in…

This checklist by Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti supports a postcolonial analysis of development fundraising and education materials as well as…