Browsing: Magazines & Periodicals

The Dishwasher is the blog for the magazine of the same name ‘For Studying Working Children’. The website features “articles…

The iz3w of the Informationszentrum 3. Welt in Freiburg is a magazine that has been taking a critical stance on…

ZAG is the magazine of the Antiracist Initiative of Berlin (ARI). It is published two to three times a year…

The online daily newspaper Migazin: Migration in Germany focuses with its articles and commentaries on the topics of migration/integration, (anti-)discrimination…

The 2/2015 issue “Struggles of Migration as Invisible/Invisible Politics” of movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Research is dedicated to current struggles of refugee protests in Europe.

The website of the association münchen postkolonial offers extensive information about the colonial present in Munich. In addition to a…

Ojalá – Hopefully. Revista en la Diáspora – Journal in the Diaspora is an online magazine edited by Mauricio Isaza-Camacho.…

The cultural and social magazine freitext, founded in 2003, is published twice a year and is dedicated to literature and…

The “online magazine by migratinnen for all” is published by “the autonomous migrant women’s self-organization maiz in Linz. In 2006…