This adbust was spotted on a highway sign in the context of the demonstration marking the 13th anniversary of Oury Jalloh’s death in Dessau on Jan. 7, 2018.
Browsing: Adbusts
An adbusting of donation advertising posters of various humanitarian aid organizations was carried out at Moritzplatz in Berlin. The…
In October 2015 in Berlin Neukölln. More pictures and info at linksunten.
Campaign against the new asylum law 2015: Those who do not drown will be locked up.
This website shows parallels between colonialism, National Socialism and today’s racism using the example of Deutsche Bahn. The lack of… Hier wird eine Aktion in der Berliner U-Bahn zum Gedenken an die Opfer des NSU dokumentiert. Rassismus ist Alltag…
More adbusts can be found on the website of the (film) project “white charity”.
More adbusts are available on the white charity website.
More adbusts are available on the white charity website.
More adbusts are available on the white charity website.
More adbusts are available on the website of the (film) project “white charity”.
Glokal e.V. has written a critical article in English about donation posters in development cooperation. The article was inspired by…