“Dear White People” is a satirical handbook by Justin Simien, published to accompany the film of the same name.
The publisher recommends it to all those in semi-regular contact with Black people.
Using analysis tools such as graphs, tables, and questionnaires, readers can determine when the best time to wear blackface is (hint: probably never) or when they are at risk of becoming the “token best friend.” Reading the book allows for reflections on one’s own role in racialized societies. It encourages people to develop an awareness of situations of discrimination in everyday life and to find appropriate solutions.
“Whether you are a dear white person wondering why your black office mate is avoiding eye contact with you after you ran your fingers through her hair, or you’re a black nerd who has to break it to your white friends that you’ve never seen The Wire, this myth-busting, stereotype-diffusing guide to a post-Obama world has something for you!” Book description of the publisher
Justin Simien 2014: Dear White People. A Guide to Inter-Racial Harmony in “Post-Racial” America. Santa Monica: Simon & Schuster.