The volume “eingeschrieben” by Emily Ngubia Kuria deals with racist structures within the German university system.
The focus is on the following questions:
“what does it mean to be a black person studying and pursuing a career in a quintessentially white higher education system? how can i enroll in these structures and how can i change them?” Book description of the publisher
Racism becomes effective in the system of German (higher) education in many ways. It structures syllabi and procedures for office hours, helps determine decisions about evaluations of (racialized) students’ performance, and influences term paper topics and speeches. Racism inscribes itself formatively in the self-image of discriminated persons.
In the book, the author opens up ways of dealing with racism, strategies and the possibility of an analytical understanding of racist relations.
In the form of reports on the experiences of affected students, not only the status quo is presented, but at the same time practical tips are given on how interventions are possible and how a (survival) life at German universities can be shaped for People of Color in a concrete and sustainable way.
Emily Ngubia Kuria 2015: enrolled. Setting an example against racism at German universities. Berlin: w_orten und meer.
If you don’t have a bookstore worth supporting near you, you can also buy the book from the alternative non-profit online bookstore, which supports political projects with the profits. The link to the book is: http: //